Our Services.

From the delicate art of tree planting to efficient tree removals, Arborist Alliance has your tree needs covered in the stunning Almaguin Highlands. Explore our comprehensive list of services to discover the expertise our trained arborists bring to your next tree project. Your trees deserve the best care, and Arborist Alliance is here to deliver.

Structural Pruning

Proper tree pruning, maintenance and care is vital for your tree’s health. Our arborists are trained to help keep your trees healthy and looking their best. We offer options to try and save and maintain trees where possible.

Tree Removal

When a tree becomes too hazardous to save or you have a planned construction project coming up, tree removal becomes your only option. The first priority is removing the tree safely and with the least environmental damage possible. Our arborists have the means and ability to assist you with your tree removal.

Secondary Power Line Clearance

As trees and shrubs encroach on your hydro supply line, they become a major hazard to both your home and infrastructure. It is the home or business owners responsibility to maintain their hydro supply line from their transformer.

Fortunately, our trained arborists can get you the clearance you need to make sure your power supply never gets interrupted.

Tree Planting

When it comes to tree planting, species selection, growing patterns and hardiness zones are integral parts to ensuring your trees have a long and healthy life. Our team of arborists are trained to know what will work to make your investment achieve its fullest potential. From planning to installation to aftercare our arborists are the clear choice to ensure your tree’s success.

Tree Cabling

When trees are healthy, but have structural issues, they can still pose risks. Co-dominant stems and limbs that are over 50% in size to the main truck are at risk of breaking in a storm. Tree cabling is an affordable way to mitigate risk while maintaining a tree's overall health and appearance. Want to know more about how your tree could benefit from some added protection?

Tree Assessment Reports

Do you have an easement on your property or need to produce a document to satisfy your home insurance company? Are you planning to remove trees along your shoreline at your cottage and need an arborist report for your township? We can help.

Tree assessment reports are necessary when removing or pruning trees that are on municipal property or when insurance companies won’t acknowledge high risk trees at your home or business. Only certified arborists can complete these reports. Need a report? Get in touch and we can help.

Stump Grinding

Stumps are not only an eyesore, but also a hazard. We can efficiently and quickly grind these down for you, removing all waste as well. Let us know and we can help.